When virtuality becomes reality

Learn. | Build. | Grow. | Become a Real Estate Entrepreneur.

Are you ready to develop your virtual real estate portfolio that can be transitioned into real-world ownership? Do you want to build your AI-based real estate business from scratch? You are in the right place.

INVEST virtually in real estate and startups - MAKE PROFITS - BUY PROPERTY for real


Start with
Chief Stephan

Step #1


Do you want to start a real estate business but aren’t sure how? We will show you the ropes, get it set up so that revenue streams are flowing. Special content about how AI can make your life easier will help you to realize your dream even faster.
Step #2


Imagine being able to learn and build your real estate business simultaneously. No more years of studies required! We bring you on the fast track so that you can build a successful future for yourself, while also gaining knowledge about how it all works.
Step #3


Once your real estate business is up and running, we'll provide you with all the tools to expand, you will be ready to grow and we give you all the right tools. With easy-to-use AI-based automation, you will skyrocket your business. 

The Chief Stephan Ecosystem

YOUR Platform for Real Estate
  • NFT, Token & Reward System backed by real-world assets
  • Investment opportunities into virtual and tangible real estate and AI startups around the globe 
  • Virtual Home Owner Association (HOA)
  • Earning possibilities through a unique reward system
  • AI Real Estate Academy
  • Market place for real estate, products, services and more
  • Affiliate opportunities
  • Investments for your startup
  • Access to AI tools to manage your properties
  • Community Support
  • And much more...

Chief Stephan Properties

Currently 3 Urban Properties in Berlin and 1 Retreat in Brandenburg (Germany)

View all current and planned locations on Google My Maps.

Chief Stephan AI Academy

Write your awesome label here.

What would you do if you had a real estate portfolio that covers all your living expenses?

This question might seem odd, but the reality is that you need to know what you would do if you had all the freedom to do what you really want. Would you lay down at the beach 24/7? Would you live in a nice mansion in a location of your choice? What car would you drive? Would you engage in charity projects and serve the community? WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

With our platform, we can guarantee absolutely not that you will become a millionaire. However, we know that you can achieve everything if you really want and for that, we will give our best to support you with our tools. We will make it as easy, interactive, fun and - most importantly - efficient as possible. No vast amounts of capital are required; we want you to build a successful business no matter where you live - if in Nairobi, New York, Tel Aviv, Bangkok or Berlin. Your location, background, education or any other factors should not matter for your success. We will give you all the tools for your specific environment. 
Write your awesome label here.

Benefits of working with Chief Stephan

AI, Digital Marketing and Blockchain. Sounds complicated and you maybe never thought of it when thinking about launching your own company? Well, you do not need any of those tools, but we will give you options to make use of new technology as much as possible. Go with the future and overtake your competitors - if you want to create an real estate business, AI startup, construction company, plumber business or any other real estate related business.

Write your awesome label here.

Learn from experts, investors and entrepreneurs

Chief Stephan works together with experts in their field with years of experience working on major projects around the world. Their knowledge, paired with insights from investors and entrepreneurs, will allow you to establish the most effective and efficient work process and show you how to stay safe on site. From options for starting your business right away to possibilities to finance large-scale projects, you will learn how to assemble all parts for your company.

"The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing."
— Walt Disney, creator of Disneyland

Frequently asked questions

How does it work and what does it mean to invest virtually in a game-like experience, earn real profits and be able to buy tangible assets?
The Chief Stephan platform offers a virtual experience combined with the substantive gains of real estate investments, providing a groundbreaking avenue for aspiring real estate entrepreneurs. The idea is to lower entry barriers (such as legal, tax, capital, etc.) and make it possible for everyone to enter the real estate market.

Here, you're invited to cultivate a virtual real estate portfolio through an engaging game-like experience, with NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) signifying ownership of real estate and other assets, and tokens fueling the platform's mechanics. Tokens can also be traded on a crypto exchange later on. This innovative framework allows for virtual investments in real estate properties and AI startups, which translate into real profits.

Additionally, achieving specific milestones within the platform is rewarded, enhancing the investment journey. Whether it's completing a set of tasks, reaching investment goals, or successfully navigating market trends, these rewards add another layer of engagement and satisfaction to your experience. Rewards can be exchanged for tokens on a 1:1 basis.

Crucially, Chief Stephan underpins this virtual ecosystem by purchasing real assets, ensuring that your virtual investments reflect real-world properties, akin to an index. This unique strategy not only offers transparency and tangibility to your virtual endeavors but also aligns your virtual gains with actual market movements.

Beyond investment simulation, our platform also embraces virtual-only game experiences, providing a comprehensive and immersive introduction to the world of real estate entrepreneurship. These virtual assets and experiences serve as both a learning tool and a potential source of real-world financial growth, bridging the gap between virtuality and reality. Through this innovative approach, Chief Stephan facilitates a seamless transition from virtual investment to real-world property ownership, powered by the latest advancements in blockchain technology.
How much budget do I need if I want to build my own real estate business?
The financial requirements to establish a real estate business can vary significantly based on factors such as location, type of real estate activities (e.g., buying, selling, leasing), and the scale at which you intend to operate. To begin with, launching a traditional real estate venture might demand substantial upfront investment for property acquisition, licensing, and marketing. This could range from tens of thousands to several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the market conditions and the scale of your operations.

However, we advocate for a more accessible entry point into the real estate market. Our strategy emphasizes starting with a minimal viable approach, focusing initially on areas like real estate consulting, property management, or representing buyers and sellers without owning properties directly. This method significantly reduces the initial financial burden and allows for the incorporation of cost-effective technologies and artificial intelligence tools to streamline operations and enhance service offerings.

By adopting this innovative approach, it's possible to launch a real estate business with an initial investment of just a few thousand dollars, covering essential expenses such as licensing, basic marketing, and operational tools. In some jurisdictions, the costs could be lower, especially if the regulatory environment is less stringent regarding licenses or professional certifications.

This strategy not only minimizes initial expenditures but also provides an opportunity to generate income streams early in the business lifecycle, enabling further growth and investment in traditional real estate ventures as your business evolves.
In which industries does the Chief Stephan AI Academy specialize?
The Chief Stephan AI Academy can help you in almost every industry and niche, but its main focus is businesses connected to real estate. We take a very online-based approach, which helps you save costs when starting your business, makes sales and marketing more efficient, and gives you the possibility of reaching out to a much broader audience.
What is AI?
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of a computer, phone or robot that can think like you do. You might not be aware but there are many technologies out in today's world with this capability and they're all pretty awesome! Think about your favorite app on your device - for example Uber or Google Maps- each one has some form of artificial cognitive functionality behind it: recognize my face when I'm nearby; plot route based off location input by me via GPS system...the list goes on. See more information here.
How can AI help launching and scaling a real estate business?
Chief Stephan will guide you through numerous applications of AI in establishing your real estate business, highlighting specific use cases such as predictive analytics for market trends, AI-driven customer service bots for enhanced engagement, automated property management systems for efficiency, virtual reality tours for property showcasing, and intelligent CRM systems for targeted marketing. Beyond these, the scope includes automation, product innovation, art creation, and website development. Chief Stephan will also provide insights into the latest market developments. Additionally, Chief Stephan introduces potential future industries that, while going beyond traditional real estate, maintain a relevant connection to the sector. This opens up new avenues for exploration that could complement and diversify your real estate ventures, ensuring you're well-equipped for current and future market dynamics.

Chief up your business.
Chief up your life.

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