Be part of the largest AI startup platform build-up and win prizes up to €1 m

Our goal is to build the largest and most cost-effective virtual real estate and AI startup platform worldwide - together with YOU!

We will be spending up to 1% of all Chief Stephan Group revenues on prizes for our community members. Our tech and real estate partners will actively participate and contribute prizes as well. This is a way to give back and show you how much we appreciate all the support!

1x Expert Team

Let us build your business. A team of experts will support you for one year. It will help you in all areas of the business you want to build from scratch: Sales, Marketing, Product Development, Taxes, Finance, HR, whatever you need. You will also get an office and paid living expenses up to 5k monthly, 2 full-time employees and a start budget of €100k. With the help of sponsors, we will bring in additional expertise from the largest corporations in the world. All in all, this package will be worth at least €1 m. 

4x €250k Business Budget

Let's work together to build your business into something exceptional! You have a fantastic idea and now you need the funds. Let us support you with a 250k business budget to build up your base.

10x €100k Car, Office or Social Media

Do you need a car for your business? Well, you are in the right place. We will provide you with a vehicle for your business for up to €100k. A transporter for deliveries, a car to meet up with customers, an SUV to work on the farm, we will get you your new vehicle. 

No need for a car bc you want to build an Online-Business or simply have no need for a car? We will cover the cost for your office and other business expenses like video production and social media expenses.

100x €10k Startup Budget 

Do you have a great real estate business idea, but it's tough to get started? That's why we're here. We know the struggles of entrepreneurs and want nothing more than to see you succeed! Our 10k kick-off budget will give you just what is needed - funds that will support you to start realizing all those marvelous ideas you have. Your ideas should become tomorrow's success stories!
€4 m +
1 MILLION in 2030
OUR GOAL # of users

It's time to take your life to the next level. Learn how you can build a successful business.

Frequently asked questions

Is the Expert Team bound to a certain country?

No, our team will support you worldwide.

Can I use the Business and Startup Budget also for living expenses?

Yes and No. We understand while building a business, you also need to cover your cost of living. That is why you can also take money for your personal life. For the Business Budget, we expect you to prove that you make use of it and spend at least 75% on business expenses. For the Startup Budget, we are just happy about pictures of your story on how you built your business. 

When will the first course of the Chief Stephan Academy be live?

We will launch the first courses as soon as possible. We aim to create a course with real value and an action plan that helps you build your own real estate company and supports you in every step. We are also going to provide learning material, quizzes, self-assessments and more interactive stuff. The main difference from other courses, platforms and university programs is that you will be able to realize your own project step-by-step while on our platform and you will not need to study for years until you can start building. All that takes time. That is why meanwhile, we will start publishing articles and give you access to unique learning modules that will help you take action immediately. 

How does it work?

We will be the most transparent and customer-friendly platform in the world. Around 1% of our preorder revenues will be spent on presents and prizes. Since we are a startup as well, we created the mentioned prizes based on our calculations but it can happen that we give away less but most likely even more prizes! Our tech and real estate partners will actively participate and contribute prizes as well. So stay tuned for our updates. The first winners will be chosen as soon as we reach 5,000 customers who preordered access to our platform, but latest by December 31th, 2024.

What can we expect from the Chief Stephan Academy

Chief Stephan will provide courses, masterclasses, articles, unique and never seen business modules, quizzes, self-assessments, personal coaching, tools, webinars, regular AMAs, talks with well-known experts and much more. With the preorder, you will get lifetime access to our first course that will help you start building your business from scratch and helps you go to a stage where you get your first customers. You will also get access to most of above-mentioned instruments besides personal coaching. We will specify what is included later in the next week since we are still in the product planning phase. What we can say already: There will be an app that is as easy and fun to use as you know it from two very famous brands. Those brands work in different fields, but we will integrate similar features into our app. Stay tuned. 

What kind of business can I build with Chief Stephan

To answer short: any business you can think of. But the main focus will lie on real estate-related businesses. While we may not address all the specificities of every industry, our goal is to comprehensively cover the essentials in real estate, business administration, marketing, sales, social media, product development, HR, and many other areas that are crucial across industries.

With Chief Stephan To Success

A never before seen approach: Business building with AI
Our mid-term future

 Highly Engaging courses

 We will provide you with outstanding video courses, activities, lessons, self-assessment, quizzes and much more. Start with virtual real estate and and then apply your knowledge to build your own tangible business and portfolio.

Discuss with others

 Participate in our online forum, share thoughts and ideas, increase connection, get help from other founders, experts and investors.

Innovational Approach

We cover the latest and hottest topics shaping the future of real estate in the next century: AI, Blockchain, Web3, GPT-3, Robotics, Automation, Sensorics, Metaverse, NFTs, and more.

Marketing & Sales

Do you want to know the best strategies to develop, bundle, market and sell your products and services? You are in the right place.

bootstrap your life now!

Join us now

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What people say

This platform is a great outlook into the future for anyone looking to start a real estate business with the help of AI and build a real estate portfolio at the same time. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in this field!
This looks like a really great resource for anyone looking to start a real estate business with AI! I'm really excited to see what content is released soon and I'll definitely be checking out the website for more information.
The prizes listed on this website are based on estimated potential Chief Stephan Group revenues and are subject to change. There is no guarantee.
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